Ann Goodall

I grew up in a small village South West of Paris in a bilingual family, with an English mother, a French father, and two older brothers. We would travel around 50 km each way on a Sunday to worship in a church in central Paris, where my father served as an elder for over 30 years. Our church family was part of a wide cross-cultural church network – the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Europe (FEBE), recently closed down - and was closely linked with other churches in Europe. My family was very involved in this movement, and would attend, every other year, a conference which was organised for Baptist churches in Spain, the United Kingdom, France and Switzerland. This was a wonderful opportunity to get to know Christians from different countries, and worship God as one people.
I was baptised in my home church, and discovered a new interest and passion for mission. I went on short-term mission trips with Operation Mobilisation, first to Ireland to work with children at a holiday club and then to Italy and Greece where we ministered to the gypsy community. I was greatly blessed and excited about the power of the Gospel and the role of the local church in ministering to their communities all over Europe. These experiences planted a new passion in me for local and world mission which God has been growing ever since.
After university I moved to London to study for a certificate in Theology at the London School of Theology (LST). I found studying theology to be such an exciting, demanding and often challenging experience, which has shaped not only my faith but my character in more ways than one. I have gained a new understanding and love for reading Scripture and for life-long discipleship.
During that year, I met my husband Tim, who was at the time assistant pastor of Northwood Hills Evangelical Church. After our marriage we remained in Northwood Hills for nearly three years before moving to Chelmsford, Essex, where he is now the pastor of Tile Kiln Church.
While at Northwood Hills, I started working for Compassion UK as a supporter relations assistant. This opportunity has helped me develop skills in customer relations by dealing directly with supporters, as well as administrative skills and data management. Through Compassion, God has taught more me about his heart for poverty and justice.
During my time at Northwood Hills I joined the World Mission committee, and the Mission Finance sub-committee. As part of these committees, I was involved in supporting the missionaries and maintaining mission interest within the church via regular updates and events. Through that time, I have developed a personal interest and friendship with many of these missionaries, including some who are serving with ECM.
I find it is so exciting to hear how God is acting in Europe and it is always a delight when I get to visit another church and witness how the kingdom is growing in that community. As I have learnt in my first few weeks at university, whilst we might speak different languages, and live in different countries, God is the same, and his Gospel is powerful.